projects > design > efflux


"Efflux" - documentation


Carbon dioxide emissions occur constantly but are largely invisible in their journey from source to the atmosphere. However, the impact and devastating consequences of excess carbon dioxide for humans and the environment has been at the top of the agenda in discussions about the climate crisis. We need to understand how carbon emissions are measured and where they are coming from in order to take action to combat climate change. EFFLUX links data from the physical context of the London College of Communication EMERGENCE exhibition from 2019 London Design Festival and its displays, the functioning of the building and the environmental impact of projects by using CO2 emissions as the visual signifier and currency of the exhibition's focal installations. 

It consisted of 3 data sculptures: 

EFLUX: Populus for the one measuring the number of people people
EFLUX: Locorum for the one measuring the local CO2 from LCC's EMERGENCE exhibtion
EFLUX: Mundus for the one looking at the world's CO2 budget


Concept, Art, Creative Coding: KASIA MOLGA
3D Modelling: GOSIA SIWIEC
Exhibition Assistant: SYDNEY HOGDAHL


September 2019
London Design Festival
LCC, London, UK